Creating Safer Festivals for Everyone
The Federation and its member Festivals use the following policies and procedures to create Safer Festivals for everyone:
The Festival’s Child Protection Policy and approach to Creating Safer festivals for Everyone are published explicitly in our Syllabus, Programme and website. By completing and signing the entry form all parents/ guardians/carers and teachers of entrants under 18 confirm that they give (or have obtained) the necessary consents for the entrants to take part in the Festival. Without consent the entry to the Festival cannot be accepted.
Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival - Child Protection Policy
The British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech work for amateur festivals everywhere to help create thousands of educational performance opportunities for children and young people each year.
The Federation, and our member Festivals, are committed to ensuring safe environments for children and young people and believe that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a commitment to recommend best practice which protects them.
This policy applies to our Board of Trustees, paid staff, Adjudicator members, volunteers, students or anyone working on behalf of the Federation and our member Festivals.
We recognise that:
The purpose of the policy:
We will seek to safeguard children and young people by:
The Federation will review this policy each year in November in line with Safe Network guidance or sooner in light of any changes in legislation or guidance. All changes will be communicated to our member Festivals in time for the start of the new Festival year.
Susan Day - Festival Secretary 07884 357673
Where an incident occurs, The Designated Persons will inform the relevant outside organisations
Social Services
Children Social Services: 03000 41 11 11
Adults Social Services: 03000 41 61 61
Out of Hours after 5pm (Covers both Children and Adults) 03000 41 91 91 (for emergencies only)
LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) for allegations relating to staff/volunteers and relating to children and young people - 03000 41 08 88
Police: Emergency - 999 Tel: 101 - 24 hours for advice
NSPCC Help line Tel: 0800 800 5000 - 24 hours, Freephone
Child Line for under 18 year olds only. Tel: 0800 1111 - Freephone
The Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival takes great care to preserve your privacy and safeguard any personal data you provide to us. This Privacy Notice explains how we will collect and use your personal data.
We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time so please check regularly to ensure that you are happy with any changes.
Your name
Your address
Your date of birth (if appropriate)
Your telephone number
Your email address
How do we use your personal data? We will use your personal data in a number of ways which may include:
Who do we share your personal data with?
We will only use your personal data to manage your festival involvement with us, including keeping you up to date with any festival news.
If you are not involved in the festival, then we will only use your personal data to deal with the issue or enquiry that you have raised directly with us.
We will never sell your details to any third party, and we do not buy any personal data.
We may share or disclose your personal data, if we are required to do so by any law or court order.
What is the legal basis for processing your information?
In some cases, we will only process your personal data where we have your specific consent to do so. e.g., to include your name in our programme or to stay in touch about our next festival.
We may also process your personal data because there is a legitimate interest for us to do so as part of our work, and it is reasonable to expect that your information would need to be processed by us to compete this work. For example, it is reasonable for us to collect your name, address, and contact details to be able to process your festival entry and you would reasonably expect this to happen for your festival entry to proceed.
Whenever we process your personal data under the legitimate interest lawful use basis, we make sure that we consider your rights and interests and will not process your personal data if we feel that there is an imbalance, or you would not reasonably expect your data to be processed in his way.
How do we keep your information secure?
We have implemented appropriate measures to protect the personal data from improper access, use, alteration, destruction and loss.
Our website does not use cookies and we do not employ any automated decision making and/or profiling systems.
We may send communications to you by email. Email is not a fully secure means of communication and whilst we do our utmost to keep our systems and communications protected, we cannot guarantee this.
Your rights
You have various rights in respect of the personal data we hold about you. These rights are set out in more detail below:
If you make a request relating to any of the rights listed above, we will consider each request in accordance with all applicable data protection laws and regulations. No administration fee will be charged for considering and/or complying with such a request, unless the request is deemed to be excessive in nature.
Upon successful verification of your identity you are entitled to obtain the following information about your own personal information:
If you want to exercise any of these rights or make a complaint, you can by writing to:
The Data Manager, Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival. The Data Manager is the Festival Secretary
Susan Day, 5 Weald Road, Sevenoaks. TN13 1QQ
Or email
You can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office and the contact details and further information about how to do this can be found at:
How long do we keep your information for?
Your personal data will not be retained by the festival for longer than necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was originally collected, or for which it was further processed, subject to certain legal obligations mentioned below.
We will retain personal data in accordance with our data retention policy set out below. We review our data retention periods for personal data on a regular basis.
We will hold personal data relating to:
We are legally required to hold some personal data to fulfil statutory obligations, for example the collection and reporting to Kent County Council under the Children and Young Persons Act.
The law allows you to withdraw your consent to any usage of your data at the time, without needing to specify a reason. You can withdraw your consent by writing or emailing The Data Manager, Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival (refer note 6 above).
Issued: June 2023
Next Review Date: November 2025